Real Estate Agent Onboarding Made Simple
Customize workflows, track progress, and ensure seamless transitions — all in one easy-to-use platform.
Get a DemoKey Features
Elevate Your Onboarding Experience
Customize Your Workflows
Tailor the onboarding experience to fit your unique process, from agreements to paperwork and everything in between.
Automate Document Processing
Send personalized onboarding invitations with just a click, ensuring new agents get started immediately.
Real-Time Progress Tracking
Stay informed with real-time updates and assist agents whenever needed to keep the process moving smoothly.
How it Works
Streamline the Complexity of Agent Onboarding
Say goodbye to manual processes and inefficiencies
Get a DemoCustomize your onboarding workflow
Work with the Humaniz team to set up a customized onboarding workflow tailored to your unique process. Think team agreements, W9s, info collection, and any other manual tasks you need to be completed.
Invite new agents to the Humaniz platform
Once built, it's as simple as clicking "send to onboarding" in our system, and the agent gets invited to their onboarding portal to get started.
Agents complete tasks at their own pace
Agents can sign their ICAs, fill out any necessary information, complete MLS change paperwork, and do whatever else is necessary!
Track progress and assist where needed in app.
Seamlessly transition agents from prospects to ready to conduct business all with a few quick clicks.